A/Professor Rebecca Kozor
A/Professor Rebecca Kozor is a cardiologist at Royal North Shore Hospital Sydney with specialist expertise in cardiac imaging, including cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR), cardiac CT, and echocardiography.
A/Professor Kozor is a senior lecturer at the University of Sydney, where she co-directs the USyd CMR Research Group and leads cardiovascular research with the support of multiple grants. She is actively involved in education and advocacy of cardiovascular disease and research, including being Treasurer of the Australia New Zealand Working Group for Cardiovascular MRI, Honorary Board Director of Heart Research Australia, and Member of the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand Scientific Committee.
A/Professor Kozor has level III CMR certification with the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance and the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging. She is also an Associate Editor for SCMR Cases and is a member of the Education Committee of SCMR.